About Me


Welcome to Salt Creek Prints! My name is Kim Dybczak, and I am the founder and photographer behind this creative venture.

Born and raised in the sun-kissed paradise of San Diego, California, my life has been intimately entwined with the allure of the ocean. My childhood memories are a collage of beach days with family and friends, with laughter echoing through the salty air, and the timeless embrace of the Pacific. We raised our four kids here, instilling in them the same deep love for this coastal wonderland.

My photography adventure began when my children were young. Armed with my first good camera, I embarked on a journey of capturing the precious moments of their lives and those of other families. As my boys took up surfing, I found myself drawn to the rugged beauty of coastal landscapes and the powerful allure of the surf.  

Thank you for joining me on this photographic journey. I invite you to explore the galleries and immerse yourself in the tranquility and wonder that I have found through my lense. I hope these images serve as a source of inspiration, reminding us of the enduring beauty of the California coast.